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We are a one-year Bible school whose purpose is to equip young adults to build their life on Jesus Christ and strengthen their faith.

Program Overview

The core of the program consists of 28 one-week long classes taught by Godly instructors from all over the states. Since the classes are one week long, we are able to get highly qualified teachers that are experts in the subject, many of whom are teaching full time at other colleges or universities. Classes are 3 ½ hours each morning with the exception of Wednesday, when a chapel service is held. A strong focal point is on the practical application of scripture, in combination with reading assignments, essays and a concluding final. Under our program menu tab, the course descriptions are displayed.


Discipleship is also an area of emphasis. Students are assigned to a staff member for one-on-one meetings each week and participate in a community group that meets together weekly in a staff couple’s home.


There is a service component as well. Each student is expected to work 6 hours per week on campus where they learn practical life skills. 

A strong emphasis is placed on the Church. Students are required to choose a local church to attend and serve in. We do have a chapel service on campus Wednesday mornings that give the entire student body the chance to worship together and hear excellent sermons from a variety of speakers, but we are not the church and it is important that the students learn to attend and serve in a local church body 


There is a night class on Tuesdays, taught by full time staff which focuses on a variety of spiritual and practical applications. 


The sense of community is strong. We are in a less distracted setting, surrounded by God’s beautiful creation, with lots of adventures to be had. The staff live on campus with the students. The students go to all the same classes together, they eat together, they play together, they live together. Strong friendships are formed that last a lifetime. 

Classes begin the 3rd week of August and go through Thanksgiving. They resume after the first of the year and graduation is the first week of May. There is a 5 day backpacking trip, a Fall Break, a Spring Break, and an end of the year trip to another part of Alaska.

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Attending NSBS can truly be a life changing experience. Proverbs tell us wisdom is more valuable than silver, gold, or rubies. Proverbs continues on to say that nothing we desire compares to wisdom and we should seek it as if we were looking for silver. The basis of wisdom is knowledge of God through His word (Proverbs 8:11; 2:4; 9:10). 


To take a year as you begin your adult life and devote it to building your life on Jesus Christ can impact all areas for the rest of your life.

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